KFC Coleslaw Recipe

Some of you out there may be aware of my "Don't Buy US" stance, particularly with respect to food. I know, I've been watching films and ESPN and listenting to, but by and large I've been a good boy. For example, I haven't touched anything from Kentucky Fried Chicken for something like six months now. That's mighty impressive.

But I miss their coleslaw.

So, it was with joy when TechTV pointed out this website: Top Secret It has lots of recipes that you can use to recreate commercial products in your home. And, yes, one of them is KFC coleslaw.

I'll be trying out this recipe tomorrow, in time for the big picnic under the stars to watch E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial. And, yes, I recognise the irony that it's a US movie.

posted on Monday, August 25, 2003 - permalink
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