Arnold Schwarzen-governor

Why should I care about what happens half-way round the world? Very little of what he will do as governor will directly affect me (even if California is the world's fifth largest economy). I had no say in the vote and will have no say in trying to remove him.
Instead, I see it as a worrying trend that the cradle of democracy can knowingly elect a man who has no experience whatsoever in government at any level to lead them. I suffix "idiot" everytime I say "George Bush" (idiot) these days, but I would still vote for him over an actor. Who can barely grasp the nuances of the English language. Who, when accused of molesting former workmates said, "I am very sorry", making it sound as if all he was sorry about was getting caught.
I have believed for some time now that the key to a working democracy is for the voters to be educated. I get into little arguments about how on Earth PAS can make some of the policies they do. My answer? You don't like hudud law? Well, they are being tabled by a state government that was voted in by the people. And that's about as fair as you can get.
If we want people to make good choices when electing their government, we have to make sure that they understand enough of the issues being debated and then to make their own decision about it. How many of us really believe this about our voters here in Malaysia?
And here is the crux of it all. I used to believe that it would just be a matter of time. People need to get used to the idea that an opposition isn't inherent evil, but a vital necessary for a healthy democracy, and that the open debate about important issues is what is important.
But now, they have voted Ahrnuld in. A combination of razzle and dazzle has brought in a man who really shouldn't have been taken seriously in the first place. Issues? What issues? I fear anything goes, really.
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