Still too close to call?

The thinking (well, my thinking, anyway) has been that if the Democrats lost two out of Ohio, Pennsylvania and Florida, then they've lost the election. Forty one electoral votes is just too much ground to make up, especially since the Republicans control just about all of the midwest.
Pennsylvania has just been announced to Kerry (after 64% of the precints, he gets 1.65m votes against 1.25m for Bush), but nobody is keen to repeat 2000 and jump the gun on Florida and Ohio especially since people are still voting.
(As of this moment)
- Florida: Kerry has 2.89m against 3.15m for Bush, from 88% of the precints
- Ohio: Kerry has 1.37m against 1.48m for Bush, from 51% of the precints
I mean, how hard is it to run an election?
Interestingly, more people have voted for Bush already in Florida than in the 2000 election. This is not a Good Sign. Now all hopes are pinned on the good people of Ohio.
Update 12.00 noon: Florida goes to Bush
Hey, what a coincidence! I'm blogging about the results too - it does look like Kerry's not gonna make it. Gore for 2008?
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