Shows currently on Astro worth watching
Wow. To be honest, I don't actually watch too much TV or Astro these days. There are shows that I pretty much always catch Malaysian Idol (because it's the local Idol show that isn't AF) and Impian Illyana (for obvious reasons), but this post isn't about them. This post is about well-written, well-produced shows that run against the current opinion that US TV shows are reality-based or rot or both.Wonderfalls Star World, Mondays, 10pm Jaye Tyler is unambitious, unassuming and utterly cynical of everything around her. So, she finds it difficult to accept things when inanimate animals begin talking to her: A wax lion, a cow creamer, a teddy bear - anything with an animal design is fair game. Despite her natural skepticism, these totems set Jaye off on bizarre adventures of surprise and serendipity. Very funny, very well written, yet cancelled unexpectedly after half a season. Doesn't matter. At least it'll be easy to watch every episode.
- Lost AXN, Thursdays, 9pm A plane crashes on a not-very-deserted island, and the survivors must learn to cope with the land, the local inhabitants - and each other. I think that this show is the best new series to appear on US televisions last season (and, yes, I'm taking Desperate Housewives into consideration here). It's taut, tense and not afraid to present entire storylines in Korean. Some may find it slow, I say that patient viewers will discover that each episode builds up to an explosive climax.
House Star World, Tuesdays, 10pm Greg House is a doctor who heals with unusual talent, and yet manages to find time to cut his patients to size with laser-like sarcasm. Like a dramatic Becker who solves medical mysteries. Now add to it some of the funniest dialogue you'll find on dramatic TV, as well as acting so good that by the end you'll willingly hand them a scalpel and a signed consent form. Despite the huge plot holes that most first-year medical students (if not kindergarten graduates) would poke through, it is engrossing, engaging and, yes, entertaining.
- World's Most Dramatic Animal Attacks On Midgets During Police Chases AXN, Wenesd- All right, you got me there. Just kidding. Sheesh.

Labels: tv
Thanks for saying Lost is better than Surirumah Terdesak. ;)
And now that Scrubs is on Star World too, that's another show I'd add to the list...
And now that Scrubs is on Star World too, that's another show I'd add to the list...
Well, Scrubs and Arrested Development both are good, but I'm still on the fence about them - haven't seen enough episodes!
I really like Wonderfalls! Pretty well written, plot has lots of potential and it's funny too. I think the actress who plays Jaye is pretty good. Is it really true that it did not even survive a whole season? Appalling! Figures that every time a remotely intelligent show comes on air, it gets axed whereas stupid shows like Ed (the only reason I sometimes catch the show is because it's like watching a car accident) go on and on for eternity. Just goes to show you what the world is like today.
Days of good old fashioned serials are over!
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Days of good old fashioned serials are over!