was down (but now up!)

Some of you might have noticed that was down over the weekend and that visitors were encouraged to register domain names and to buy land. Like Juliana asked: "How come, Dzof, you now into real estate, ah?".

I very sheepishly must admit that it was because somebody-who-shall-remain-unnamed had not renewed the domain in time. In my defence, that was because my contact email had changed and I hadn't updated the registrar.

However, it's up again, it's rocking again, and I hope that it'll stay up and rocking.
posted on Monday, September 25, 2006 - permalink
Yeah... may be I was the first to have it discovered when I tried to open it up infront of you in the office. And... it turned out to be my mail didn't go thru and I had to mail it again that night...
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