Contradictheory: You Malay one or 1Malaysian?
So that was the original title I had for today's article in The Star. Although I normally give really poor titles and the editors replace them with their own, I thought this one that I had was really on the mark. But I guess it could have been a little incendiary.It just also upsets me that so much that happens in Parliament that gets attention are people angling for political points and less about the actual job of running the country (which I understand can be pretty tricky in the first place). And what sounds like it matters so much actually doesn't really matter at all.
Yet, I still have faith in the nation. Strange, huh?
Labels: contradictheory, malaysia
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In memory of my uncle Shah
My uncle, Shahriza Hussein, passed away on Saturday two weeks ago. It was a tough time for me, and I felt that one of the better things I could do was to write a column about it. It wasn't so much an obituary, as an attempt to make sense of what was running through my head.I wasn't the only one on cyberspace to have noted his passing:
- Having owned and ran Auto International magazine for so long, and earned plenty of respect for the eloquent and truthful style of editorials, it is not surprising to see an obituary in Motor Trader Magazine.
- He also wrote for the Audiofile section for The Star. Notices appeared in and Hi-Fi Avenue.
- He had also published a novel, Legacy (published by Editions Didier Millet - you can read an extract here). It was well-received in local reviews such as The Star and the Malay Mail. Sharon Bakar herself had also written on his passing.
- This post reproduces the email his family sent out to all their friends.
As I wrote in the article, funerals are more for living; so was my column for that week. I'm not sure what he himself would have made of all this fuss.
Labels: contradictheory, writing
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Contradictheory: Is a tame point better than not making one at all?
Today's column was a bit of a tough one. I wanted to write something about the whole what-do-we-call-our-God debate that is currently gripping the nation's politicians, but people told me not to go there.So I actually started writing about why there were so many single-person vehicles in KL, and that maybe it was because of the lack of trust, and then that would segue into the doughnut story that the people we should really trust is each other, and not those at the top... but I kind of shunted myself into this article.
At the end of the day, I think I got my point made, even it was a little passive. Maybe that's not all bad, 'cos I don't think Fire-Scorched Molotov is a colour scheme I would pick for my front door.
Labels: contradictheory
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Facing up to FaceBook
Last Sunday's article was about the problems of privacy, using Facebook as an example, and trying to highlight our new Data Protection Act. I also quietly inserted a paragraph that noted that Governments were exempt from the Act.The only reaction on the web that I saw about this was at, who said that she wanted to share her stuff - that's the point of Facebook. I don't disagree, but I also hope that my real lconcern was clear: that you didn't have full control of your personal data is a problem. So, yes, you can share it with the world if you want to, but you should also be able to take it away at any time too.
Labels: contradictheory, privacy
greetings mr.dzof. i'm the owner of the blog mentioned above.
wow! seriously i did not intend to 'formally giving feedback' to your article. if i knew it would get published here in your site, then i would have written a better essay! and do a double-check on vocabs and grammars.
my post is merely a personal thought. it has no connection with your article actually.
neway, i'm a great fan of your writings. looking forward to the next great article! :D
wow! seriously i did not intend to 'formally giving feedback' to your article. if i knew it would get published here in your site, then i would have written a better essay! and do a double-check on vocabs and grammars.
my post is merely a personal thought. it has no connection with your article actually.
neway, i'm a great fan of your writings. looking forward to the next great article! :D
Privacy becomes a problem when you call in sick at work, then have pictures of yourself at a barbecue uploaded.
A social networking site is designed for people in a social environment,yet not a replacement for the office pantry.People seem to forget that.
A social networking site is designed for people in a social environment,yet not a replacement for the office pantry.People seem to forget that.
This is an issue close to my heart. A lot of people think I'm paranoid, but I'm better safe than sorry.
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Response to response to snatch theft article
The article I wrote last Sunday on the lady who ran over the snatch thief looks to have produced a response worthy of unsettled hornets.Somebody wrote on their blog a scathing reply, with this sentence in the final paragraph: "I don’t get how you can even get your bloody article published."
It was inspiring enough for me to craft a reply.
I was directed to your blog from your email.
I understand your anger against snatch thieves. That, added to the fact that they seem to callously put people's lives in danger just for maybe a hundred Ringgit seems unjust enough that you would want to hurt them grievously - kill them even.
You ask me how I feel if somebody close to me was killed by such a snatch thief.
I would naturally want to grab hold of him, torture him mercilessly, keeping him barely alive so I can inflict the maximum amount of pain. I would do this, knowing that no amount of physical suffering could make up for my emotional loss. Yet, I would endeavour to make him feel fear, perhaps hurting his loved ones too to make him know the gaping maw that lies within me. I would perhaps injure those he cares for until I see the loss in his eyes, and then perhaps go beyond it for good measure. I would show practically no mercy, except for him to contrast his predicament with what the absence of pain for him to really appreciate his condition.
This is why I hope somebody would stop me from doing it. My fear is that if pushed I would do this, and I know right now, right here, that this would put me on the wrong side of civilization that I would like to see the human race to be. Mahatma Gandhi agreed too, when he said "An eye for an eye makes everyone blind".
This is why public vendetta is illegal. This is why we don't let a person in the street take direct and vengeful reaction on those that wrong him. This is why we say, a man is innocent until proven guilty, and that the only killing deemed acceptable is in direct self-defence or as part of a state-sponsored execution.
And yet, that anger if left unassuaged will need to find a way to vent itself. If you continue to hate those that you think wronged you, then you will want to take retribution on all those that person represents.
I would like to call you a friend, if only because I think we both understand the pain that a crime can cause beyond its immediate act. If you want to get your MP to campaign for snatch thefts to be classified as attempted murder, that I would support your right to do that too.
But if you want to be part of a group that hunts down and kills a man as he flees, because somebody else on a motorcycle who killed somebody else while snatching their purse, then I apologise: I have to stand opposite you my friend, and stop a criminal act.
Labels: contradictheory
I replied. Thank you for replying to my response to your article. Please check my blog for a response as it is too much to reply here.
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Contradictheory: Malaysian Hollywood?
I surprisingly got a bunch of favourable responses for the last Contradictheory article about how hard writing is. Somebody also emailed me, asking how they could be a writer, and what does it take.Here is my reply:
Dear Sir,
The "group of writers" that I mentioned are actually the writing staff for Creative Development Unit of Astro. Our sole job is to write scripts for Astro productions (and to make sure that they are good, of course!).
We did have an interview session late last year. I'm afraid it was not as well publicised as it could have been, but we have our quota for this year already. We may hire again, but I cannot guarantee when it will happen.
If you send an email to then the person in charge will hopefully put you on the list for future job opportunities.
You asked, "what does it take to be part of the group?". Now, here is roughly what we learnt from the last round of interviews:
- We asked that everybody who wanted a job to email a sample of their writing. About half failed to do so. We didn't give those people a job.
- We asked those whose writing we thought showed promised to come to an interview. About 10% of those didn't or couldn't come to see us personally. They didn't get a job with us either.
- Of those that came for the interview, we asked if they understood scriptwriting jargon like "three-act structure" and "turning point". About a quarter said they did, but they obviously didn't. Some of those insisted they were right in being wrong. They didn't get a job either.
- About a third of whom remained came in for a second interview. One person told me with the upmost confidence that her rambling sample story (that had no clear point nor a plot that I could describe in less than fifty words) was "post-modern" because it took place in the 24th Century. She didn't get a job with us.
- Those that survived all this went into a one month training session, where they learnt (or relearnt) how to write, including what phrases like "three-act structure" and "turning point" meant. 40% of those did not manage to submit homework on time regularly. They are not part of our team right now.
I hope you appreciate that the one thing you need to become a writer in television is dedication to the craft. You must really want to write so badly; so much so that you already have a lot of writing done in your own spare time just because you love it. You must want it so
badly that you even write when you're "not in the mood" to do so.
You must accept that you are probably not yet "there" as a writer, and probably have a long, long way to go. Humility and an awareness of hubris will be your references. You believe that everything you write can still be better. You know this, because when you give your writing
to honest friends to comment on, they tell you the glaring truth that it isn't really great yet.
Lastly, it really helps if you enjoy telling other people stories, and you are not shy in entertaining them. Really makes the work worth doing, I find.
Best of luck, don't stop writing.
Yours sincerely,
Labels: contradictheory, writing
Contradictheory: Boycott what?
Last weekend's Contradictheory was one of the tougher ones to write. I wanted to say something about the Israel-Gaza conflict that I didn't think any of the mainstream press were saying (and certainly none of the blogs I read), but how to dip a contradictheory toe into the pool of opinion when almost everybody has painted Israel as the devil?So I crafted a piece that for once was read by two friends for opinion before I posted it.
So my suggestion is this: Let us focus on the correct ultimate aim. Whatever our religious and cultural differences, peace is always preferable over war. Not only must we metaphorically shake hands and hug our cultural antitheists, but we must also be involved in each other’s interests. A downfall for one hurts the other as well.
For all that worrying I had about being fair to all parties, I think I was perhaps too gentle. I purposely neglected to lambast the short-sightedness of those who thought the boycott of US products would somehow be a solution to the Gaza conflict. I could have said,
"Those who think a simple boycott is all that's needed to affect change and to right an entire country gone wrong are deluding themselves; what is needed is to extend a hand of friendship, instead of waving a clenched fist, because the people driving tanks are following orders from a government who wants votes. And not only that, you're waving your banners from behind a wall of apathy protected by a trench of ignorance."But I didn't want to upset too many people.
As a result, there was only one letter this week in response. There was no complaint, just a quiet nod of agreement.
No change from my side too, I'm afraid.
Labels: contradictheory, gaza
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Contradictheory: Thoughts not expressed
The original draft for last Sunday's Contradictheory column was much longer than required 900-word limit. This was partly because I wanted to write lots about self-censorship in life in general, but mainly because there's so much of it in the entertainment industry as well.As it was, they cut out a bit I talked about Ghost. I think it was because of space rather than of anything offensive. The paragraph was this:
Yes, it's a game of guesswork. We generally look at what has previously been allowed as a basis. Once, horror films were taboo but recently things have been different. We even did a whole series about a ghost this year, which we felt was never at any risk of being banned because, (a) Our ghost looked like Naz Rahman, who isn't scary in the least; (b) It wasn't really a horror story about the supernatural, but a love story about two people who can never be with one another.
I think all of the examples come from Popiah Pictures productions. If you want, you can try figure out which came from which. The specifics are not that important, anyway.
Other examples that I could have used, but didn't:
- I was told we were not allowed to show people smoking cigarettes on TV. So, what Ping did was to have somebody hold an unlit cigarette in her hand. He was actually worried it might get cut out.
- I heard a story once about 3R when they were told they could not air an interview because the person was a guy wearing an earring. They could, however, show it when they pixelated out the offending ear. This policy it seems has held up until now, which explains why a participant on Project Runway currently airing on 8TV has fuzzy ears.
- The production company was advised by 8TV that we shouldn't refer to the Datuk as a minister so close to election season.
...and so on and so forth.
Labels: contradictheory, writing
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I love my meat
Isn't it ironic that after I write about the perils and pleasures of eating irresponsibly, not one, but two, articles appear in my inbox about food?
Exactly the kind of thing I would have loved to include in my article.
The second article was one about how being vegetarian shrinks brains. (It also mentions that being obese has the same negative effect, but they've only seen it demonstrated on women - fingers crossed on that one for guys, then!)
Now if you'll excuse me, I have a dinner at Prime tonight...
Labels: contradictheory, food
... and tell us how the "being vegetarian shrinks brains" theory ties in with someone you know who lives in oxford who hasn't eaten meat since she was tiny-weeny and did OK in her exams, i think. (and if you call her an abberation, i'll tell her you said so!)
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Contradictheory: Not the wild, wild West
I know these are 'sensitive' times, but it was sheer coincidence that this week's Contradictheory article came out at the same time the arrests rolled in. I couldn't help but notice that the diligent editors at the Star edited my piece by removing the following paragraph:We shouldn't be shutting down entire websites because of one article on it. Yes, we should charge and arrest somebody because of that article, and make him take it down if he's found guilty, but that one article does not equal the entire server. You don't know what he's going to say in other articles.
I think that it was removed more because the Multimedia and Communications Commission reinstated access to the server, so it was a little out-of-date. In fact, their reasons for doing so are pretty much in line with what I wrote in this piece: in general, you should not be arresting people based on a presumption of what they will do in the future.
It wasn't originally meant to be a piece on the law, more on how you can't depend on technology to uphold civil society. But when I started writing about Article 10 of the Federal Constitution, I started thinking about it more.
I feel that we are still a country finding our way when it comes to interpreting our Federal Constitution with respect to the original framers' intents. The number of amendments since then has just complicated matters.
I believe that the line concerning the Freedom of Speech was originally there to reflect that open debate is important for a democracy. Vox populi, vox dei, as they say. Doesn't matter what they have to say, you should just say it.
Unless, of course, you are libellous or seditious.
Some close to me (well, more than a few) do not like our Sedition Act. I think the issue is with Section 4 that says "does or attempts to do, or makes any preparation to do, or conspires with any person to do". This is very close to Minority Report's arrest by precog.
However, I do think we need to be able to react to situations where people in authority demean or denigrate others by virtue of race and religion, especially when the strong abuse the weak. Thus, sedition laws have a place.
I guess that's what I meant when I said, "laws should be about protecting the weak and giving opportunity to the disenfranchised". Whenever law is used to strengthen the position of those in power, we should monitor it very carefully and use whatever checks and balances we have at our disposal. To me, a law (or use of it) that extends the gap between the haves and have-nots is one that is not well construed or applied.
Labels: contradictheory, malaysia
You mentioned in your article that the Bill of Guarantees which ensures no Internet censorship is only meant for MSC-status companies.
Is it true then that MSC-status companies can access those banned websites? If not, then the Bill of Guarantees has been violated.
The Bill which ensures no censorship in the internet, applies to accessing websites as well as posting one own website. It does not state that the censorship is limited to protecting only MSC-status companies' websites.
Is it true then that MSC-status companies can access those banned websites? If not, then the Bill of Guarantees has been violated.
The Bill which ensures no censorship in the internet, applies to accessing websites as well as posting one own website. It does not state that the censorship is limited to protecting only MSC-status companies' websites.
You're right that if an MSC-status company finds that it can't visit a censored website, it has grounds to complain. (I wouldn't be surprised if more than a few have, in fact.)
And, yes. As I understood it, it works both ways - for sites that they visit, as well as MSC-Status companies they create. (Although I can't ever remember this question being asked in any of the press conferences!)
I always wondered what the reaction would be if a company publically specialising in online porn opened up in Cyberjaya.
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And, yes. As I understood it, it works both ways - for sites that they visit, as well as MSC-Status companies they create. (Although I can't ever remember this question being asked in any of the press conferences!)
I always wondered what the reaction would be if a company publically specialising in online porn opened up in Cyberjaya.
Handbags at twenty paces, aimed at my head
So I get slammed in today's paper for being a mysoginistic chauvinistic pig. And perhaps quite rightly so for a third of them. The original article in Contradictheory was pretty harsh. But I suppose I should try to explain my end of it.I did get some forewarning of this when a close friend of mine called me up earlier in the week and asked "were you purposely trying to be controversial?". Well, yes I was - I have lately written too many 'feelgood, dogood' articles and it was about time I shook my quilly behind a bit. But judging by the response, I probably crossed a line. Or a raging torrent of river.
Before I begin, I apologise to anybody I offended. It wasn't meant to attack anyone in particular, merely the notion that staying beautiful is a good enough reason to not try and protect yourself. In case the tone of the article wasn't clear, I was NOT seriously suggesting that people carry male escorts with them wherever they go. (Well, for some women, only if the escort is me, and it's not because I want to protect their handbags anyway.)
The intent at the beginning was to say, don't carry handbags which are easily snatched, find other ways to pocket your valuables. But with every single girl that I talked to about this, the conversation always ended at this: it'll make me look ugly. Would every woman in the world who was asked this give the same answer? I doubt it. I have a six foot tall Canadian friend who whacked someone on the head with the attacker's helmet when he tried to rob her bag. And probably because of some Canuckian proverb about something worth doing once is worth doing over and over again with gusto, he probably got hit again. I think she'd say, "I'll take my handbag and my chances, thank you very much". And good for her too.
But, everyone girl I talked to about this in those few days mentioned it. To me, you can't really be that concerned about snatch thefts if "it'll make me look ugly" is your reason to not try something to stop or avoid it. "It's impractical", or "I don't think the risk is worth the hassle", or "I enjoy the practicality a fashionable handbag affords me, and woe betide anybody who tries to come between me and my carrying purse" would all be worthy answers. Yet, I tell you this: put a stop watch in your hand, propose to a woman that they can put their things in their pockets, and you get the 'ugly' word within sixty seconds.
Well, this got me mad when I heard this. It felt like a conversation at cross-purposes. Of course it's possible to go around without a handbag, or at least only a handbag with non-valuables in it. But the impasse at which this notion would not be entertained seemed to be 'bulky pockets'. Vanity is not always a bad thing, but when it pushes practicality aside, I don't like it. I feel the same way about superstition. There may be a place for it, but not at the expense of common sense.
So am I treating women differently from men in this case? Yes. So I am chauvanistic. Do I hate women for it? No, of course not. I get frustrated and think it's silly, though. And I am a pig? I ask you to not consider my shape and size and manners at the dinner table when you ask that, and so, no.
That friend of mine who chided me earlier in the week got it right. Am I suggesting that if you don't want a motorcycle stolen, then you shouldn't drive a motorcycle? Yes, that argument stands. But I think people who have motorcycles don't necessarily have much of a choice in finding something cheap that takes them around town quickly. And the risk of getting a motorcycle stolen, although much higher than handbags, is still low, especially if you take care to lock it up properly.
There is nothing wrong in being defensive in trying to protect your property. You lock your cars and set alarms. You hold your child's hand when crossing the road. You put your valuables somewhere safe and don't carry it around on your shoulder. Makes sense to me.
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Now I'm international!
Some of you may have noticed that I have been promoting Ghost a little. I have no shame. I freely admit that. I even wrote that down in a national newspaper column. But in fact, the column wasn't really about television, or about the business of writing; it was about the serious business of how racism limits both opportunities for employers, and for the general public. I contrast that with the hiring policy of Popiah Pictures, and of how every one of different races just get down to the business of doing good work. They even gave it a nice title: A ghostly glimmer of hope. Positive, forward thinking, optimistic.I guess I must have hit a chord or something, because guess what I see in a newspaper when I'm in Singapore? My name, and bits of my article on page A9 of Monday's issue of My Paper. It's strategically placed right above a piece about how Pak Lah's declining popularity, including the issue of race relations. What headline does my piece get? Why should ethnicity still matter - on Malaysian job opportunities. To me, this headline has a slightly different spin on it - it sounds like I'm complaining about the situation. Well, surely the article will put them right, right?
Erm. Perhaps not. Because in transferring the article, they also edited out all references to the TV show and to Popiah Pictures. As a result, the tone is a little more negative - a complaint without a balm to soothe it.
Don't get me wrong. I'm very happy to now be internationally syndicated. I didn't even know it was happening. I'm flattered like a bemused pancake under a steamroller. And I'm very comfortable with how the editing team at the Star have treated me. It's just that others who read My Paper might get the wrong impression of what I think.
At least 'Dzof Azmi' is a unique Googlable phrase.
Labels: contradictheory, writing
Can you quickly come up with your posts for eps2 and 3 of Ghost, now that u can wiew them online while u're abroad?
BTW, check out and help fill up missing cast info ;)
BTW, check out and help fill up missing cast info ;)
No need to be ashamed :) It's quite good - trying to catch as many episodes as I can - and I admit I'm getting quite a crush on nazrudin.
i can't seem to locate what your blog is REALLy about.
maybe i'll read through it again later.
Anyways, thanks for stopping by my blog!
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i can't seem to locate what your blog is REALLy about.
maybe i'll read through it again later.
Anyways, thanks for stopping by my blog!
All Thai'd Up about democracy
The latest issue of Contradictheory talked about the recent referendum for the new Thai constitution. Actually, what I really wanted to talk about was the poor level of debate in politics, especially of that in Malaysia, but the Thai situation was more current.However, I spent so much time discussing Thai politics, that it didn't really leave me much room to whine about the Malaysian side of things (Which is probably a good thing - rambling is not a virtue for columnists). It seems to me that a country that has been practicing democracy for fifty years now should be in a better position to test its leaders. Admittedly, familiarity doesn't breed proficiency, as the situation in the last two US elections can testify to, but still, we shouldn't succumb to politicians' appeals for the lowest common denominator.
The results for the Thai referendum have now appeared, and although a slimmish majority voted for it, there was significant opposition from the north-east of the country. And those voting against were demonstrating - you guessed it - pro-Thaksin sentiments.
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Contradictheory: Football and Reading
I am aware that this blog is rapidly becoming an advert for my Contradictheory articles in The Star. I have no problems with this, the more exposure, the better. At least if you like the articles, that is.The last few weeks saw me writing on two of my passions: Football and Reading. I now realise I am rapidly running out of topics to write about. It won't be long I'm sure before a piece on Audrey Hepburn appears (although in her case, a picture says ten thousand words, so all I have to do to fill a quota is print a photo of her eyes, I guess).
The bit on football was inspired by our national team's insipid performance in the Asian Cup. I ranted and railed from my seat in the stadium, but I think nothing short of a combustory hara-kiri exhibition would have been able to change the course of the game (at least a provisional draw would have been better than what we got). Nevertheless, I really do think it's important we give support to our national team, regardless of their ability.
There was a response in the next week's letters column; unfortunately it addressed a completely different issue, and I don't even agree with it. Basically, the problem with football in Malaysia isn't that there are too many games, or that there are too many teams. The problem is we have not enough international players.
Last weekend's article on the future of books has already provoked a response. Thor (of Skoob Books fame) called my mother up and called me a "viper" for suggesting that the writing was on the electronic wall for physical books. I like that, I've never been compared to a muscle-engined sports car before.
Labels: contradictheory, football
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Contradictheory: Stop Dreaming, Go See The World
More than one post in a day, must be some kind of record.So, this weekend's Contradictheory is about travelling. Or is it? Well, it's actually about one of my bugbears. I can't stand people who complain that they don't have what they want, but make no effort to reach out for it. But, I understand that sometimes people need a gentle nudge to persuade them to peer over the ledge of life and take it in in all its vista.
Mainly it's about getting the guts to do something different. Or building up to it. And that it's important to always pack a sarong.
Labels: contradictheory
"I can't stand people who complain that they don't have what they want, but make no effort to reach out for it."
Why do I feel like you're talking about me?
Why do I feel like you're talking about me?
thank's,your articel is very usefull...bisnis pulsa eranet,biofir,obat kanker-obatdiabetes-cryptomonadales,dealer pulsa indonesia
thank's,your articel is very usefull...kenali dan kunjungi objek wisata di Pandeglang,biofir,obat kanker-obatdiabetes-cryptomonadales
thank's,your articel is very usefull...kenali dan kunjungi objek wisata di Pandeglang , kalung kesehatan biofir , obat kanker-obatdiabetes-cryptomonadales , dealer pulsa indonesia
thank's,this is the great blog... Kerja keras adalah energi kita , kalung kesehatan biofir , obat kanker-obatdiabetes-cryptomonadales , adalah dealer pulsa termurah Indonesia.
thank's,this is the great blog... Kerja keras adalah energi kita , kalung kesehatan biofir , obat kanker-obatdiabetes-cryptomonadales , adalah dealer pulsa termurah Indonesia.
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What's new, procrastinating blogger?
Just a quick glance at the dates, and you will see that I haven't updated this blog for a very long time.So, the usual list of things done so far will need to suffice for now:
- Contradictheory is out every other Sunday. Basically, if you turn to page 2 of StarMag, and see Huzir Sulaiman's face, you've got the wrong weekend. This week's article is about travelling.
- The agricultural documentary Seeds is on every Sunday at 5pm on NTV7. If you're unlucky, you'll catch an episode that I scripted. For one reason or another, I keep missing episodes. But there is one episode where Siti Nurhaliza makes yoghurt, so it can't be all bad...
- Those of you who are under the impression that the work of a writer is glamorous can come see me destroy it to dust (if I'm not being overshadowed by Gavip Yap, that is) at the 8th MPH Breakfast Club for LitBloggers to be held at MPH Bangsar Village II on 22 September 2007 (probably at 11am).
- At the risk of confusing the non-technical among you, I will also mention that I have added Dashboard Manager to my ever-growing list of Business Objects trainer curricula, as well as being Crystal Reports (v10 and XI) and Business Objects Enterprise XI certified. I now teach: Crystal Reports, Business Objects Enterprise, Web Intelligence, Desktop Intelligence, Universe Design and - you guessed it - Dashboard Manager. If you want take the official courses in any of these subjects, contact Iverson Training Centre.
- Work in Progress/Discussion: Two TV series and one... something else. This needs severe thinking and hard work.
Labels: contradictheory, training, tv
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O2 XdPhones
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Apple iPhone (4GB) iPhone $250
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Siemens SL75 BenQ....$210
Sidekick phones:
Sidekick 3 ....USD$140
Sidekick 2.....USD$120
D-Wade Sidekick 3 ..USD$200
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HP IPAQ HW6915 cost $300
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HP iPAQ rx5935 cost $370
Hp Ipaq Hw6965 cost $300
Hp Ipaq Hw6945 cost $220
HP IPAQ RW6818 cost $225
HP iPAQ Pocket PC h6320 cost $250
Apple MacBook Pro Intel Core Duo 1.83 GHz 15.4" Display Macintosh Notebook...$600
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Apple Pro Intel Core 2 Duo T7600 2.33GHz Macintosh Notebook..................$690
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Sony VAIO BX540B Intel Pentium M 760 2 GHz 14.1" Display Notebook.......$700
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DOPOD U1000 QUADBAND cost $450
Dopod C800 cost $280
HTC TYTN cost $330
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HTC P3300 cost $300
HTC 8125 MDA cost $210
HTC S620 PDA cost $205
HTC P3600 cost $300
HTC - Advantage X7500 cost $400
HTC MTeoR 3G cost $230
O2 XdPhones
O2 Xda Atom.............USD$300
O2 Xda Atom ExecP...USD$310
O2 Xda Stealth..........USD$320
Apple Iphone:
Apple iPhone 8GB Phone cost $400
Apple iPhone (4GB) iPhone $250
Sony Ericsson M600 ....$155
Sony Ericsson P990i .........$230
Sony Ericsson W700i ...$130
Sony Ericsson W810 ....$135
Sony Ericsson W850 GSM .....$220
Sony Ericsson W900i ....$230
Sony Ericsson W950 .....$240
Sony Ericsson W960......$280
Sony Ericsson Z710 .....$240
Sony Ericsson p910i.....$165
Sony Ericsson P1i.......$200
Eten Phones:
ETen G500.............USD$240
Eten M500 .............USD$200
ETen Glofiish X500 .....USD$230
ETen M700 Glofiish.....USD$240
ETen E-Ten M600 .......USD$220
Ben Q Phones:
BenQ Siemens-EF81 .....$200
BenQ AL26 ..........$190
BenQ-Siemens P51 .......$230
BenQ-Siemens SL91..... $280
Siemens SL75 BenQ ....$210
Benq Siemens Ef71 ......$190
BenQ-Siemens S88 .....$175
Benq Siemens E71 ......$180
Siemens BenQ SXG75 ....$185
BenQ-Siemens S81 .....$150
Benq Siemens Ef91 .....$220
BenQ-Siemens CL71...$180
BenQ-Siemens P51....$230
Siemens SL75 BenQ....$210
Sidekick phones:
Sidekick 3 ....USD$140
Sidekick 2.....USD$120
D-Wade Sidekick 3 ..USD$200
LRG Sidekick 3......USD$180
HP IPAQ HW6915 cost $300
HP IPAQ HX4700 cost $265
HP iPAQ rx5910 cost $255
HP iPAQ Hx2795 Pocket PC cost $220
HP iPAQ Rx5915 cost $220
HP iPAQ hx2490b Pocket PC cost $200
HP IPAQ RW6828 cost $250
HP IPAQ HW6515 cost $345
HP IPAQ HW6910 cost $330
HP iPAQ Hw6925 cost $265
HP iPAQ HW6940 cost $270
HP iPAQ rx5935 cost $370
Hp Ipaq Hw6965 cost $300
Hp Ipaq Hw6945 cost $220
HP IPAQ RW6818 cost $225
HP iPAQ Pocket PC h6320 cost $250
Apple MacBook Pro Intel Core Duo 1.83 GHz 15.4" Display Macintosh Notebook...$600
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Apple PowerBook G4 Motorola PowerPC G4 1 GHz 17" Display Macintosh Notebook..$300
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Apple Pro Intel Core 2 Duo T7600 2.33GHz Macintosh Notebook..................$690
Sony VAIO A130P Intel Pentium M 755 2 GHz 15' Display Notebook..........$900
Sony VAIO AR170P23 Intel Core Duo T2600 2.16GHz 17' Display Notebook....$940
Sony VAIO AR270P3 Intel Core 2 Duo T7600 2.33GHz Notebook...............$800
Sony VAIO BX560B Intel Pentium M 780 2.26 GHz 15.4' Display Notebook....$750
Sony VAIO A130P Intel Pentium M 745 1.8 GHz 15' Display Notebook........$750
Sony VAIO BX540B Intel Pentium M 760 2 GHz 14.1' Display Notebook.......$690
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Sony VAIO BX540BW6 Intel Pentium M 780 2.26 GHz 14.1" Display Notebook..$700
If interested contact :
Contradictheory: Relaks, Brader
Another fortnight, another article. Maybe, perhaps, you may wonder how much of what I write stays in. Well, this week I over-wrote slightly by about 200 words, and they edited accordingly. All the 'smart, funny' comments (read 'what the heck is he trying to say?') were the first to go, but they pretty much kept the essence of it.This was a strange one to write, because I commented about the Amazing Race Asia, so the first draft I had said, "...the finalists for the race...". Thursday's episode was aired and I hurriedly changed it to "...the winners of the race...", and added another paragraph.
They also like to change the title. Theirs was "Relaxing our way to the top". Mine was "Relaks, Brader". Not a biggie, but I like mine better.
Relaxing our way to the top
CONGRATULATIONS to Joe Jer and Zabrina, the Malaysian pair who recently won the first Asian edition of the Amazing Race. Winning US$100,000 (RM350,000) isn’t something to sneeze at, but more importantly, they managed to overcome tremendous obstacles to grab first place. So, what was their secret? That’s a tough question to answer.
Labels: contradictheory, tv
hi,came across your site on my research on trans siberian. Very impress that a fellow malaysian travelled overland to europe. Haven't met many travellers from Malaysia during my years in europe.. well done! From a fellow malaysian living now in sweden...
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Now the whole world thinks I'm a thief
The second issue (copy? installment? Me brain works mushy on Sundays) of Contradictheory has appeared today. In it, I talk about how great it is to be able to download TV shows and movies over the Internet. For free. Naturally people will think that I practice what I preach.Of course, those in the know will recognise Bittorrent. But there are also TV stations that provide their stuff online (did you know that RTM is availabe as online stream?).
And if your IP address says it's from the USA, NBC will make available their shows to your PC, including every episode so far of Heroes.
So, not all stuff online is illegal, and some of the Powers That Be are beginning to see the advantage of making it available on the net. Now if only all the PTBs thought that way. I'm not saying they have to give it away for free, but if you make it easy and make it cheap, then people will come by.
See it first – on the Internet
If you know how, the latest movie, TV series or song is only a download away.
ASK a Malaysian teenager what their current favourite TV shows are, and you might get an answer that includes Heroes, Friday Night Lights and Ugly Betty.
The funny thing about these three shows is that none of them are showing in Malaysia at the moment.
Labels: contradictheory, tv
don't you think its like tv then? its free cuz we have to switch channels during the adverts..having said that it is best to let the lawyers of youtube worry the degree of wrongness..even if they get sued it'll only cost like about, maybe, oh my,let me see.. 2 percent of their revenue anyway?
Hi, dzof, came here via Mayakirana. Congrats on your new column in Starmag. How is your name pronounced? Is it like Dissolve or is the D silent?
RTM available as online stream? The question is, "Do we really want to watch RTM channels?"
Blerghhh.. Heh.
P/S: AM suffering from Realiti withdrawal symptoms. Will there be another season, ever?
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Blerghhh.. Heh.
P/S: AM suffering from Realiti withdrawal symptoms. Will there be another season, ever?
Contradictheory debuts
The more eagle-eyed of you that know me may have noticed a familiar face waaaay down in the bottom left-hand corner in the StarMag section of today's Star. Yes, it's an old photo of me before I gained weight. More importantly, it's next to a column with my name next to it.Geddit? Column? My name? Can you say, "will be in regular print"?
Yes, folks. I have finally taken a foot out of the cloistered and relatively anonymous world of script-writing and planted it firmly in the spotlighted waters of op-eds. I have, in fact, been given no set areas to write on - a free rein on my reign, as it were.
Of course, it hasn't all been rosy. I tried very hard to get them to put my favourite photo of me, but they insisted on something a little more recognisable. They tried to tell me it was a good thing, but I know better the privilieges and advantages of anonymity. I did manage to get them to not mention my educational history, though. I'm happier that way, it's a Dzof thang, you understand.
I also suggested the name, Contradictheory. I would love to say that it's because I believe the duality of man represents most of life, or that I'm always in for a good fight. Honestly though, it's because I like puns.
Today's article is partially based on a post I wrote almost a year ago, and I have to say I enjoy reading the earlier one better. I think it has something to do with the fact that I was tired, annoyed, hot, sweaty and naked when I wrote the earlier piece. Indeed, how can you bare your soul without baring your body?
Anyway, I suppose you want to read it:
Suffering for the write stuff
WHEN I mention to people that I am a writer, the reaction is nonplussed.
Writing strikes people as one of these amazingly idealistic but impractical things to do. It’s not really a way of earning a living. You’re so lucky, they say. You sit in front of your PC and write. You put words down, and they pay you money for that. In Ringgit, even. You’re so lucky.
They call me all sorts of things. Romantic. Imaginative. Inspiring. One word they don’t use – but I’m pretty sure many think of – is “lazy”.
Update: (14 Jan 2007) Two (thankfully positive) responses (here and here) were published in today's Star. It's a good feeling to find that there are people who identified with what I wrote, and makes up for the fact that some people didn't really like it. Happy me.
Labels: contradictheory, writing
Every fortnight, actually. But thanks for the support.
Actually, the article's gotten some negative feedback, so at the moment I'm feeling all... what's that word again when you feel like vomiting in a dark, small bucket?
Actually, the article's gotten some negative feedback, so at the moment I'm feeling all... what's that word again when you feel like vomiting in a dark, small bucket?
congratulations... a celebration. a cuppa tea and a slice of cake calls for a meet up!
chels.. dzof needs to be reminded that his inbox is full , which means that the will have to delete some of his messages, such that he will be able to receive new messages.. so
dzof.. please let go of your old messages... such that new ones can come through! :)
hugs and love!
chels.. dzof needs to be reminded that his inbox is full , which means that the will have to delete some of his messages, such that he will be able to receive new messages.. so
dzof.. please let go of your old messages... such that new ones can come through! :)
hugs and love!
Hi Dzof
Came here because your mom pointed me to your blog. I remember you, from the days you used to contribute your book reviews to Anyway, I am no longer with that outfit but I still keep in touch with your mom regularly. She told me to check out your blog. And here I am. Hey, negative comments or not, you're a columnist... and I can say, hey, I actually know a columnist in The Star. Cheers, Krista
Came here because your mom pointed me to your blog. I remember you, from the days you used to contribute your book reviews to Anyway, I am no longer with that outfit but I still keep in touch with your mom regularly. She told me to check out your blog. And here I am. Hey, negative comments or not, you're a columnist... and I can say, hey, I actually know a columnist in The Star. Cheers, Krista
hie nice articale on the star for the sake of contradicting posted a message above still ther misplaced but ummm... message me? Need hot heated debates to breate... My parents are pushovers they hardly put up a fight or a stand on any issues...
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